eleven in '11 (projects and parties)

time for a little look back at 2011.
these posts help me remember the joy chosen and the beauty found.
they give me time to savor the time given and the stories told.

here's to the loving hours put into projects big and small.
here's to the sweet times celebrating with family and friends.

first bonfire
the new firepit

brownie + mint ice cream sandwiches
a star wars movie party

this weekend sounds just right
lighting up the back patio
(there was never a post dedicated to this other than here, but it was much more than just purchasing LED lights and stringing them up over a table.  we attached a cable from the house to the tree, which is easier said than done.  let's just say, it was definitely a project!)

operation tree fort (the framing, part 1)
operation tree fort
(still in progress! we are excited to finish up this year.)

under the north windows

the boys' room

porch (before and after)

 dollhouse sneak peek
the dollhouse

2011 in 2011 challenge
(no, i don't have a photo of the boxes and bags dropped off at goodwill.)
so far, we have purged 1269 items .
the plan is to continue until we hit 2011 and then start over for a 2012 in 2012 challenge.
this is really really good for us.