featured on the etsy blog

Etsy's "Get the Look Decor" Feature

our home is featured on the etsy blog today!
click on over and read my interview. . . 

have a lovely sunday and end o' the weekend, friends.


Fairlight Kloxin said...

I love what you decided to say was your "home decorating style." You did a wonderful job on writing it and the pictures you picked out are some of my favorites of your home. So warm and inviting looking. Congratulations on being featured!

nicole @ Deliajude said...

bravo. i totally want to be  your neighbor!

brandygray said...

Found your blog from the Etsy feature.  I love your blog!  I'm a homeschooling mama too and I've enjoyed browsing.

Cailanmatthew said...

This is such a great feature, Annalea.  I can't imagine a more inviting, homey feeling home, and love the way you say you've gone about creating it.  And as I said, I do dream of have a school room as completely delightful as this one - pretty much perfect : ).

lora said...

oh my gosh, annalea! that is so AMAZING. i am so happy for you! you deserve it. i have always loved your house. you are so gifted at decorating and making your house a HOME. love it!!

annaleahart said...

you gals were so helpful on the fb wall.  thank you!  the author of the piece actually did all the picking, but i loved her choices.  and she did a great job of finding etsy pieces to feature too.

thanks for the kind words, lady!

annaleahart said...

thanks, friend.  and ditto!

annaleahart said...

hey there!  thanks for visiting! hope you come back and say hi again! :) xoxo, a

annaleahart said...

thank you so much, cailan.  i truly appreciate your sweet and thoughtful words. :)

annaleahart said...

it was SUCH a surprise, lora.  thank you for your compliments. :)

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