another sweetHart

we joyfully announce that a new baby Hart is expected in late winter 2014.
i bet you aren't as surprised as we were.



Amy said...

CONGRATS!!!! Just saw it on pinterest first :) Absolutely love the way you announced it. I'm obsessed with using the chalkboard for things like this. I'm currently doing our baby's month pictures in front of ours. So happy for you!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} said...


Monica said...

Congratulations - love the photos! :)

Mary_Krause said...

these are the sweetest announcement photos, annalea! :)
so very happy for you guys!

Audrey said...

Congratulations, Annalea! That's the best kind of news! Sending lots of prayers for an amazing pregnancy your way! :)

Heather Hamilton said...

best announcement photos ever!
so happy for you guys.

Becky said...

Congrats, congrats, congrats! My three were born the same years as yours, and I would love a fourth! You are a lucky lady. I found your blog ages ago, but have never commented until now. I went to U of I, and loved your Champaign Urbana-related tales...they reminded me of a great time in my life! Best wishes to all of you, and hope your pregnancy has been easy on you!

KateEschbach said...

Oh my goodness! Congratulations! I am sending you all sorts of smiles and hugs, happy dances and prayers!

nicole i said...

oh joy. kisses

Lisa Renata said...

Congratulations! surprise or not, you make beautiful babies and a baby is always a blessing. A girl would totally even out your #s at your house too. Sending lots of love and prayers for a healthy pregnancy.

Amanda Brown said...

Congratulations! Wishing you a smooth and uneventful pregnancy and delivery!

Jenny said...

Congratulations!!! We have 4 little ones too- 2005, 2006, 2008, & 2011. 3 boys and a girl! :) They are such a blessing! So excited for your growing family.

Brenda said...

Congratulations!! We too have three older kiddos (9, 7,and 5) and we are pregnant, due in January. Man oh man we were surprised, but I am getting excited to cuddle a new baby, even if I have kinda forgotten how to do it :)

Cara Howard said...

YAAAY!! Congratulations!!!

cailan said...

Really, how could you resist having a fourth when the first three are all so darn cute?! Happy for you, Annalea and hope you somehow manage to get lots of rest - that first trimester is no joke!

Cara Yeh said...

Such a sweet announcement! Congratulations! I'm so glad you are back to blogging; such an inspiration!

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