finding my voice, 12 days in

 sitting with my girlie as she tells me how she is a boyish-girl and marveling at her precious spirit  #lifewithbrothers #giabee
so i missed a day!  but due to the long week of hosting out of town family, plus a very early wake up to help crew for balloon fiesta yesterday morning, that 8:30 bedtime last night was a must.  and no blogging could be fit in beforehand.  totally a good excuse, right?  i think so.
we will just call this day 12.

so much of what I love about #newmexico in one shot
committing to the 31 days project has been good for me.  the accountability factor makes such a difference.  i wouldn't say this whole blogging thing feels normal again.  sitting at the keyboard at night is still awkward.  i don't know what to type.  but my photos are feeling like my photos again.  the choosing and editing process feels right.  i am in the zone again there.

 he likes to pop a wheelie #enzobenzo
 so here are a few of my instagram pics that don't follow a theme, but i just love.
i hear my voice in them. 

i am joining the nester and will be blogging every single day in october! 
full list of posts here.


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