i need a moment

this last month has flown by and i am barely catching my breath. after our week long staycation meets (house)workcation in mid july, we have been on a bit of rollercoaster. between illnesses, fibro, and pregnancy, a slew of parenting issues to tackle, hosting a baby shower, a crazy work schedule for jesse and then add on a much anticipated week-long visit from texas. i am a bit of an emotional wreck right now and am willing to admit it (and i won't even blame it all on hormones).

being involved with campus ministry, this is our go time. we kicked off the fall last friday and will be going strong for the next 4-6 weeks. i love this time of year.

what does this mean? i might not be returning e-mails, updating the blog, or getting on facebook much. but then again, i might. just don't expect much right now. i would appreciate prayer to keep my focus on God and His Kingdom. without His Spirit, i won't be getting too far.

specific requests:

  • for the students arriving on campus to experience God's love and community - for our involvement in their lives and with illini life. jesse is jumping back into the band this year!
  • for the pregnancy to be healthy and smooth over the last trimester (yes - i am now less than 12 weeks from meeting this little boy!). that we would be able to prepare emotionally and physically for the actual labor and delivery, since my two previous experiences were so traumatic.
  • to meet our goal to get the house in order before cashew's birth - freeing us up from any unfinished projects and organizing until next summer
  • for our times as a family to be refreshing and fun
  • that we would be able to deal with the physical limitations and the emotional stress of my fibromyalgia - i am really struggling with this ongoing battle. after 10+ years, it really hasn't become any easier.
  • that we would make time for other parts of life. i have learned that i need to feed the creative side that God gave me. but striking a balance between my role as wife, mama, servant, and artist is difficult - pray for wisdom in this area.


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