simple things sunday

will you take a turn?

i am feeling super tired today and unable to adequately write out the thoughts swirling around in my mind.  so i am turning this over to you.  what is a simple thing you have encountered, experienced, and enjoyed recently?  what truth is God revealing to you?  in what small, yet powerful way have you been moved?

i spent the day yesterday at the hearts at home national conference and am excited to share about it through the week.  consider it an extended "simple things week."  but until then, would you mind sharing your heart with me?  

i promise to listen. 

xoxo, annalea


Laura Wynn said...

Hi! :)
I saw green grass, and I almost cried. I live in Idaho, and the coming of spring is the most glorious thing in the world.

Lora said...

i totally understand! i didnt' do my simple things post yesterday either...

Peeper said...

I am obsessed with building a library of great put-your-name-in-them-and-keep-them-forever children's books for my 9 month old daughter. I used borders and amazon gift certificates I had hanging around from my birthday in August. First shipment just arrived and I was close to exploding with excitement. I can't wait to read these books to my daughter!!

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