on asking for help (and gardening)

christian vs. the swiss chard

i confessed earlier that our backyard took a backseat this summer.  but did i mention that the whole place had turned into wild jungle-land?  completely out of control.  weeds waist high.  sprawling tomatoes blanketing strawberry beds.  grape vines choking out apple trees.  gravel paths covered in green.  it was bad.  we needed to be rescued.

so we asked for help.

i know, i know.  crazy talk.  but we asked for help.

why is that such a big deal?  we live like we can do it all ourselves and we do not need each other.  this is such a lie. 

three guys and a yard

he gave it a haircut

enzo's view

their cheerleader

i think it is great to consider how we can encourage servanthood in our children.  we want our kids to give and give and give again.  we want them to be compassionate and loving.  we want to raise servant leaders.

but do we encourage them to ask for help?  is it okay that they communicate their needs? 

do they see us modeling this?


there are always more weeds

potatoes unearthed

hello slug

his harvest

it is hard.  we are not great at it.  but that does not mean we can not try.  we simply asked for help.

it meant letting others into the mess.  it meant being open with the waist high weeds and out of control potager.  it meant exposing the chaos. 

(other times it could mean unearthing the laundry piles and dirty bathrooms.  yes, dirty bathrooms.  am i too proud to let someone clean my bathroom?)

and how often does a five year old show an adult how to dig up potatoes?  or a three year old wash off freshly pulled carrots with a hose to share with her uncle?  just two of many memorable moments.

its a jungle out there

and more weeds

working up a sweat

that's a whole lot of carrots

more weeds

midday, i took in the scene.  two college sophomores from church sitting at the patio table deep in conversation with jesse while chowing on chili and cornbread.  our retired next door neighbors joining us for a meal and being entertained by the kiddos.  my youngest brother pruning apple trees with my dad kneeling in the weeds nearby.  a beautiful intersection of our life.  my heart was warmed by the sight of all before me.

i love my brother

rhubarb and chucks

i am hoping our littles will remember this day.  one year we may give away half the produce from our yard to neighbors and friends, but the next we need to ask those same friends to come to the rescue.  i want them to remember that we asked for help. that we took an honest look at our needs and weaknesses.  that we were not too proud to be blessed by others.  that we gave others the opportunity to serve.  that we were able to receive this gift.

because being part of a community means giving and receiving.

a sweet thank you

(and for all that we received, we tried to give a little sweetness in return.)

if i had the chance to be cured from fibromyalgia today i would take it.  without a thought.  but i would be wise to remember - God has been able to speak to me so clearly in my weakness.  this thorn in my flesh has refined me.  would i be so willing to ask for help otherwise?

(linked up to kinderGARDENS.)


ragamuffinbeauties said...

This blessed me more than you know. I have MS. Thought I didn't, but I do...long story, still unfolding. Holding on to Jesus as I walk it out and working on asking for help. Thank you!

Unknown said...

I'm so thankful that y'all have this kind of community around you! And look how terrific your potager looks... I'm sure your littles will remember weekends like this last one!

I don't know how long you've been reading the kojo blog, but my father-in-law died this summer after a terrible couple of years battling cancer. I can't tell you how precious it was to see people acting as God's provision for us during that season... Every little need that we could think of (and ones that we didn't know we had), including cleaning my dirty bathrooms (twice!), was taken care of. I would never (never, never, never!) do this last year again if I didn't have to. It so many regards, it was a season I'd rather forget. At the same time, though, there were so many ways that God showed Himself to us during that time as well. And for that I am thankful.

Your post reminds me to thank the Lord for choosing to involve people in His plan for caring for us... Thanks for sharing!

The author said...

I very beautiful post in all ways. It is good to remember to ask for help now and then. It looked like it was a day of blessings for everyone involved.

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