
we pulled into our gravel driveway about thirty minutes ago.  the last two days have taken us from houston to champaign, with an overnight stay in little rock.

the lawn is covered with leaves.  the house was a chilly 59 degrees inside.  the cats have left hair all over the furniture.  tall stacks of mail stand on the buffet.

we are home.  we made it.

but it was a little sketchy there.  this drive home was not our family's finest hour.  i have decided that patience would be the ultimate super power.

and there was also that flat tire in arkansas. . .

more later on our wonderful trip to texas and all that jazz.  but now i have a date with my pillow and comforter.  and tomorrow i think i will be vacuuming out the van for hours.

oh and the halloween costumes need to be sorted.

have a fabulous weekend and i will check back in when i can!


update: i will be posting a recap of our trip sometime in january 2011.