where i'll be in two weeks

are you familiar with hearts at home?  this amazing organization has greatly impacted my journey in mamahood.  their mission is to. . .   
to encourage, educate, and equip every mom in every season of motherhood using Christian values to strengthen families.
the hearts at home national convention is one of the highlights of my year.  it's a fabulous time to be fed spiritually, get practical advice, find camaraderie with other mamas and in general be refreshed!  this year we'll hear from wonderful speakers like jennifer rothschild, kendra smiley, wendy pope, and, of course, jill savage herself.

this will be my first year attending the mom's night out.  i am so excited to spend an evening with some of my favorite mamas.  i plan on laughing so hard my cheeks hurt.  

and you can still go!  find a friend or three and make it a girls weekend away.  (road trip!)  late registration is open until march 2nd and walk-ins are also accepted.  please let me know if you too will be attending.  i would love to meet up! (breakfast on saturday???)

this conference is so worth the small cost of your time and money.  it is an important investment.

and your family will thank you. 



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