one little change

one little change is about seeing lasting difference and making real progress on the big goals in life by being faithful in small monthly changes.

photo by A-Ha! Photography

how do you choose what to change?

i thought i would give you a peak inside our thought process.  well not meant to be a detailed how-to, i thought a general outline might be interesting.  (and while i wanted to include examples, i basically ran out of time.  learning that balance thing and all.)

four steps to determining needed change:
start with a mission statement*.  we keep it short and simple, easy to remember and something to build on.  this will last our lifetime.
break it down into specifics.  then we take our mission statement and apply it to the key parts of our life (personal walk with God, marriage, parenting, ministry, homeschooling, health, etc.)  these are long-term, but are reevaluated over time.  when combined, the mission statement and these key statements become a total package to direct our life. 

make goals.  we look at where growth and change is needed in each of those key areas.  how can we live that mission?  i used my word of the year for direction. 

choose little changes.  we figure out what the first step to reaching each goal may be.  this regular oversight helps keep us accountable.
now you have an idea of our process.  some months we make multiple changes.  others we need a narrower focus.  but even choosing just one little change is a step in the right direction.

photo by A-Ha! Photography

i also want to clarify something.  i don't think we can get it all figured out.  life will always throw you curve balls.  it is not our purpose to be comfortable.  i simply want to be faithful with what i have. 

*sources for creating a family mission statements: 7 habits of highly effective families by stephen covey, visioneering by andy stanley, chazown by craig groeschel, create a family mission statement on simple mom, developing a family mission statement on passionate homemaking 

how about you?
do you have a method to determining areas of needed change?

please share it with us.
leave a comment.  let us encourage you.

and include a link back here so others can be inspired by all of our faithfulness. 
just make one little change.

work at it.  stick to it.

and move a step closer to your goals.

soar, however slowly, to your dreams.

one little change

a year of little changes can make one big difference.

(note: i updated the button for one little change to reflect the blog name change.  you can grab it above or on the sidebar.)


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