these thursday thoughts

(looking for my one little change post?  it will be coming later tonight. too few hours in the days earlier this week, so it is needing some finishing touches.  for now, i will just ramble.)

gypsy girl in the sun

i haven't taken a single photo all week!  shocker, i know.  these are misfits from the last month.  i also haven't been crafty at all.  so weird.  thank you for all the questions about my hoop art and listing them in the shoppe.  i would love to make one for each of you.  i am just not sure when that will (or can) happen.

but friends, life has been so full and good. work intensive, but good.  not glamorous, but good.


emerging from the black hole that was february means packing in the nooks and crannies of my days with catch-up.  plus i have a big project in the works that needed much attention earlier this week.  i am at a waiting point with it and hope to share more later as soon as i can.  on top of that, enzo is on another nap strike.  this afternoon he is actually sleeping and in between dancing around the house in happiness, i am curled up on the couch with this laptop and a cup of chai, claiming some me time.

this month, i am keeping my focus on homeschool responsibilties.  it is important for me to reconnect with our vision, since the winter felt very sporadic for us. instead of fitting school into the rest of our day, our lessons are getting first dibs in the schedule.   then i am piecing together the rest of life around it.   the last few days have been so great and i think this is a better strategy for our family.

newfound love

deciding to educate our littles at home was actually fairly easy.  learning how to homeschool and adjusting to this new life is much more complicated.  that probably seems obvious.  it sounds obvious when written out like that. but the reality. . . that is hard.  just plain hard.


the feelings are similar to when luca was first born.  redefining myself as a mama took time.  it was hard.  and it was messy. but the result was is beautiful and worthwhile.  redefining myself as a homeschooling mama will take time too.  i am not there yet.

i am not sure what this all means for the other parts of my life.  what will i have to give up to live with better balance?  i am not quite sure, but there will have to be some pruning.

i do know that i want to be more comfortable being me.  i can't be anyone else.  i struggle with this.  just being honest.

march is for getting my groove back.

i need to


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