how we celebrated eleven years

 celebrating eleven
last month marked eleven years of marriage for me and my man.  eleven years!  the anniversary fell during our staycation, so it mostly consisted of chillin' as a family, doing staycation-y things.  i am so descriptive right there, aren't i?  here is the highlight of our family time that day:

staycation yumminess

celebrating eleven

celebrating eleven

celebrating eleven

i mean, how fab are these photos?  the light was kinda ick in there, but turn them to black and white, edit a bit in picnik and voila!  you get these keepers.  have i ever told you how much i love the cross process effect in picnik?  seriously, folks.  it is great.

celebrating eleven

a couple days beforehand, a friend asked if our kiddos could hang with her family for that coming thursday so we could see the last potter movie.  she had no idea it was our anniversary.  how awesome is that?  well, we jumped on that offer and went to the theater.  a little alone time with the hogwarts gang.

i read the first four potter books summer of 2000.  i was 21 years old and a month from marrying my sweetheart.  i had a temp job in an office at the university and no one else worked the entire week.  just me and a desk and those four books.  i would never have guessed that eleven years, 3 more books, and 8 movies later i would be spending our anniversary in a theater with these characters.

it really was a sweet time together. celebrating doesn't always look like this or this. usually it looks more like this.

celebrating eleven


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