an interview with beka (august featured sponsor)

Hey Ladies & maybe some Gentlemen that read this blog. :)
You never know who might be a SAHD! :) 

My name is Beka Fox!  I am a SAHM to 2 kids, disciple of Christ, wifey, photographer, & worship leader at my church. My husband is the Youth Pastor at our church in Iowa. (Yes, where the tall corn grows... good ol' Iowa!)  My dad is the pastor to the church we work at.  My husband and I are starting our 2nd year in directors of  Floyd Master's Commission.  We want to pour into THIS next generation & make them disciples of CHRIST!  I love girly things, being home with my kids, my doggies + 6 goldendoodle puppies she just had, my town & the life God has given me!

On my blog I write about every. little. thing... from life in ministry--to life at home--to raising children--to some upcoming fashion posts or hair tutorials! :) I talk about my favorite lens', favorite locations, & all things photography as well!

what is something we would know about you after 5 minutes of meeting? 

That I am extremely outgoing and friendly. I love people. Which is why I love photography so much. I use my photography to meet other people & it is my outlet.

after 5 months? 

That I am your friend for life & that my clean and folded laundry is not always  put away. . . .. :/ 

after 5 years?  

That I am genuinely real & that I am there when you need me. :)

what are your favorite photos to take? 

Oh. My favorite pictures to take are of weddings..... I love LOVE. I am a sucker for all things PRETTY & MUSHY!  I married a man that is an INCREDIBLY ROMANTIC MAN! *SIGH*  He still gives me butterflies! 

do you have a particular favorite of the moment?

My favorite session as of late is of this sweet little newborn. 
OOOOH! I love babies! 

who would you like to have lunch with tomorrow?

Honestly,  Doris Day. It is a DREAM of mine to have lunch with her & just listen to her talk. Yes, Yes, I would ask her to sing "Secret Love"..... She has always been my favorite actress. ever. I picked out my wedding dress at the age of 10 because I saw her in Calamity Jane and saw her wear that dress to the "military ball.." Sigh* Like I said, I'm a sucker for LOVE! :)

please share 5 sources of inspiration in your life. do any of them surprise you?

1. My husband. 2. My son & daughter. 3. Outside. 4. Bible. 5.Movies.
None of them surprise me.....yet!

what do you wish a stranger would ask you? 

Why do I look so happy? What do I have that they don't! That way... I could introduce them to my loving Savior!


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