(lovely) monday thoughts

a + j = love

thanks to a lovely craft night with some lovely friends, this lovely little hoop has put me in a lovely valentine-y mood.  inspired by this photo spotted at rachel's, it was a quick, easy, and satisfying project.  it makes me smile. 

now that christmas is all packed up, the house is feeling fresh and clean.  i am in the mood for felt and doilies and hearts and red.  not much different than the rest of the year to be honest.

my sweet new scissors

and can i show you the lovely gift my lovely littles gave me for christmas? how sweet are these embroidery scissors?  eeek!  i just lovely love them!  they have a smart papi, methinks. :)

oh the weekend seemed so short.  i was a bit spoiled after that vacation.  i have been a busy director bee preparing for our second semester of CC - science experiment supply sorting, art project planning, meeting scheduling, and all-around organizing.  it was quite a nice break, but back to work time it is.

life is finding a rhythm again.