i heart weekends

backseat trio

last friday i drove up to rockford for a weekend away at sonya's.  i helped her with some settling in to a new townhouse and had a fab time just having a little downtime from life as mama.  not something i felt i deserved, or even needed in the strongest sense of the word, but valuable and refreshing to my soul.  we arranged her living room, went shopping and thrifting, and watched lots of chick flicks.  oh, and we ate at beefaroo (which is a rockford must).  pretty yummy.

and double oh - did i mention the sleeping in until 8:30?  pretty nice.

above photo to prove that all three seats can fit in the back of the jeep if i took the more reliable van for my roadtrip.  otherwise jesse was going to be sticking close to home.

while the next couple days will be significantly louder than my last saturday and sunday, i am loving the friday night chill preceding a weekend at home.  because, really, weekends of all most sorts, pretty much rock. 


Lora said...

so glad you got to get away! (i have that same baby carseat!)

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