times, they are a-changin'

ten years ago today

okay, so can we all give a big jump for joy that the weekend is here?  i am oh so happy!!!

the above photo has no relation to the rest of this post.  i just really like looking at my wedding photos. :)

this has been a week of transition for me.  i am learning to live within my current limitations a bit better.  one big area of improvement is getting to bed early.  for most of the week, i was asleep before 10pm.  totally nuts.  i mean how much can you get done before 9:30?  not much, to be honest.  but the point is i am waking more rested and in less pain.  there are two lists running through my head.  one is full of things i want to do.  the other of things i can do.  i am fighting the urge to be productive. that is not what is required of me.  faithfulness is. 

but i did get some work done on non-custom order shoppe items this evening.  the bonus of being in too much pain for regularly scheduled evening activities.  (when life hands you lemons. . .)  i am hoping to have some updates next week.  stay tuned!

i am once again going to step away for the weekend and use my time for those things on the second list.  let me leave you with some links for weekend reading if you are so inclined.

raw and real.  read the latest from the wannabe mom and be ready to cry.

have you ever read molly piper's blog?  her thoughts on grief. . . so good.  and her twins are coming!

(did i tell you our coolest-fort-ever made it on ohdeedoh?)

i read this e-book a couple years back when trying to decide about schooling.  have you read it? heard of it?  what are your thoughts?

uh-oh.  i am up past my bedtime.  goodnight and happy weekending!



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