need to put my dancing shoes on

dance dance

hey y'all.
i would say happy monday, but i am feeling a bit gloomy this morning.
a little eeyore-ish.  this is the verse i need to chew on, don't ya think?

to be honest, i am so not ready for this week and i would be quite pleased with another sunday (or two).  instead, i will choose joy, find beauty, and keep on keepin' on.  i don't need to be happy to rejoice in this day.  happiness and joy just aren't the same thing.

pictured above is a bit of the beauty i am finding today.

how come it took me so long to realize that a doily in an embroidery hoop is a fab combination?  and if you stamp it with a few lines from a good song, it is even sweeter.

(plus this took about 10 minutes to complete, if you don't count dry times for the paint.  also, it was FREE.  stash busters are my favorite kind of projects.)

we swapped up the littles' bedrooms a couple weeks back and now the gia-bee has her very own girly space.  i pretty much love it.

paired with old pointe shoes (donated by our generous next door neighbors), this hoop art now adorns her window.  just right for our ballerina girl.

dance dance

i pray your week has begun on a happier note.  but perhaps you are having a gloomy start, too.  if so, my prayer is you will find your own bit of beauty and remember Who made this day.



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