operation tree fort (measuring twice)

first off, i am still under the weather.  scratch that.  i am feeling even yuckier than yesterday.  but luca can keep down fluids today, so today feels a bit more sane.  this mama may need more rest, but her chicklets can build blanket forts, jump on the trampoline and visit with their pbs friends with minimal supervision.  hooray!

operation tree fort (measuring twice)

here is a quick update on operation tree fort.  we took some time off from the project to save up funds for more materials and because september was too full to fit in the work.  if the current weather forecast holds up, you'll find us out back this weekend.  double hooray!

operation tree fort (measuring twice)

last saturday, we took time to rework the design for the house.  we needed to measure the actual size of the platform and mark where the trees and branches fell.  there are some minor changes to the drawing, mostly window placement.  a few branches were removed in anticipation of walls, loft, and roof, but most will be sawed off during the construction.

we previously thought the stairs would go up next, but there was concern that littles might find them to tempting to resist.  and do we want them playing on that platform without rails?  no siree.  and if we put up rails now, the house building gets complicated.  so wall framing is up next.  exciting stuff, friends.  

up in the trees

one way to stir a child's soul: allow them to play among the treetops.


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