getting back into the (photography) swing of things

a tuesday afternoon in february

it has been a trend in my life for several years that i just stopping taking photos in january.  i think i noticed it first back in 2009.  it used to bother me.  now i just roll with it.  it should be the month i plan on getting my camera cleaned, which i have yet to do since its purchase in august 2010.   
and while i have been keeping the camera at the ready more this month, it has been a rolling start.  yesterday, between a morning full with my root canal and enzo's speech therapy and an evening of hosting home fellowship discussion and folding 4 loads of laundry,  i announced to the littles we would be having an impromptu photo shoot.  the light was just right.  their moods were even better.  it was a seize the moment kind of afternoon.  

a tuesday afternoon in february

a tuesday afternoon in february

a tuesday afternoon in february

a tuesday afternoon in february

a tuesday afternoon in february

a tuesday afternoon in february

a tuesday afternoon in february

a tuesday afternoon in february

a tuesday afternoon in february

and we ended with one tired two year old needing a break.

for the most part, all of these photos are straight OOTC (out of the camera) - meaning little to no editing.  i did crop a bit and adjust the contrast here and there.  since taking ashley ann's snapshop course, i have been taking all of my photos in manual mode (with auto focus).  it has been a lot of trial and error, but the results are neat.  capturing the shot the way i want the first time without the timely editing process is so worth it.  there is still a lot of room for growth.  believe me, i know.  but honing my skill is so satisfying.

all that to say, i am getting back in to the photography swing of things.
and it feels good.

plus these photos just make my heart melt.


sarah said...

their smiles are contagious!

Ruth@gracelaced said...

I love the warm light in your home. The colors of you home just it!

Noelani said...

All of these photos are lovely. I love random photo shoots :b

Brandy said...

Absolutely adorable!

cailan matthews said...

So very sweet! My photo-taking seems to ebb and flow throughout the year - I try to stay on top of it, but it takes some intentional effort esp. with little people!  I, too, loved Ashley's SnapShop.

Grant J. Clifford said...

Can you tell us what brand and model of camera you use??  :)

annaleahart said...

oooh i like that description.  very well put. :)

annaleahart said...

thanks, ruth.  this room has the BEST light and i just want to spend all day in here!

annaleahart said...

i am going to aim for more random photo shoots this year.  they don't take long but the reward is so long lasting.

annaleahart said...

i agree.  :)  (thanks!)

annaleahart said...

it is interesting to see trends in the ebb and flow.  and i am learning to be okay with the ebb part.

ashley ann's class was so very good.  i highly recommend it to any beginners wanting inspiration and instruction. 

annaleahart said...

sure!  i have a canon rebel t2i.  the above photos were taken with a 50mm 1.8 prime lens. :)

Grant J. Clifford said...

Thank you!  So helpful!  ;)

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