
15th century
1 : a retaking possession
2 : a second or new entry
3 : a playing card that will enable a player to regain the lead
4 : the action of reentering the earth's atmosphere after travel in space

hello dear friends and family! i am hoping to get back to your regularly scheduled programming this week. kind of like that fourth definition above, i am reentering our atmosphere after a couple weeks spent in another world. a world full of getting acquainted with a tiny, fragile, and dependent human, surviving on little and disrupted sleep, recovering from pregnancy, labor and delivery, introducing new routines to our household, and learning a new type of stillness. we are finding a new rhythm to life and i would love to share it with all of you. xoxo


Roxanne said...

Hey girl, glad to hear you are surviving with lil enzo:) lots of love!

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